Monday, March 09, 2009

Here are two photos taken yesterday with the Panasonic G1 and the 45-200 lens. Photos of the neighbours are always fun. I took these photos while thinking of our recent road trip in France. We drove by many "watch for deer" road signs while driving in France, more than I have seen in any other country. We never saw a deer. We were told they "hide during the day and come out at night" I am not so sure about that. One photo taken with the lens at 45 and one at 200, F6.3 with no cropping. Bill

1 comment:

helene said...

that is true bill.... they come out at dawn and dusk.... that is true.... and i never see them either...!!! but didn't ann told you about the two we saw three weeks ago on a trail beside my parent's house (on the other side than the boars..)i think she didnt' see but i did!!!!
à bientôt!